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The right camera bag can be crucial
Experienced photographers know that you should not skimp on good camera bags. Thereby, photo bags have to fulfill many tasks and belong to the most important utensils of a good photographer. The large selection of photo bags does not necessarily make it easy to find the right piece for you and your equipment. Manufacturers like Manfrotto, Peli, Tamrac, Tenba or Vanguard have made a good name for themselves in the industry over the years and offer photo bags of different sizes and with different features. However, Hama, Kalahari or Lowepro are also popular because of their wide range of products. A photographer will naturally choose his bags according to his field of work. A landscape photographer will definitely prefer a sturdy and absolutely waterproof bag with a firm grip rsther than a small and stylish messenger bag. Therefore, the comparison of the different, well-made bags is essential. Manufacturers like Crumpler or Cullman use innovative and modern materials that are tailored to the needs of photographers and guarantee that the valuable camera goods are protected at all times.